Sunday, May 11, 2014

Digimon of the Week: Blimpmon

Digimon can be straight up weird sometimes. Which I'm not saying is automatically bad but one thing that Digimon had over other shows in the 'mon subgenre is that its concept basically made it able to do what ever the hell it wants with designs and it isn't going to be declared as completely unsalvageable a franchise if something that looks like ice cream starts hopping around. It's monsters made out of computer data and I'm pretty sure most could say if the stuff on their computer came to life it would be a weird ass thing. Just go to any web page categorizing them and hit random you'll probably get something that will confuse you for the rest of the day. In fact I did and today we are talking about Blimpmon.

Yes after 15 pages of fanfiction Digimon, no seriously I think the Digimon wiki is infested with a Infermon that keeps sending you to pages about crappy fanfiction, I found this glorious robotic monstrosity. It's champion level and from all I've looked up it doesn't digivolve from anything or digivolve to anything. Yet it looks like a Locomon ate a Guardromon and then went to flight school. Also the little arms that just kind of stick out the front there are just an added touch to the ridiculous degree in which this thing just exists. It sits there as this obscure trading card confusing all who find it and I fucking love it.

So as tradition Let's talk about blimps... well actually lets talk about Zeppelins which the armed design of Blimpmon better matches.

Created by  Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin ..

the first patent for his airship designs were given in August of 1895 and five years later his first airship the LZ1 would take flight.

From there it would go through many versions and in 1909 the Count founded the German Airship Travel Corporation to promote his ships which at the same time made it the world's very first air line.

Of course many when they think of Zeppelins think of them by their military use for recon and bombing back in World War 1.

Which it was true many were seized for the war effort by the government and the older models were recommissioned but the airships weren't really the most effective of aerial offense. Primarily because something that is a metal passenger car carried by a giant balloon turns out to be not good at take bullets. Meaning most of the air force used in the war would end up shot down by fire from the ground and destroyed in the crash that followed.

So how well does Blimpmon work as a Zeppelin? Well the basics are there but it does have the one flaw in that the top of the balloon was never known to be covered in heavy chunks of metal nor did they have jousting spears sticking out the tip. Yet those are the sacrifices of practicality that can be made when you are cursed to live out the rest of your days full of hot air.

In the end that was Blimpmon the ridiculous balloon, gun, robot, amalgamation that proves I'm going to have material for this for a long while.

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